Sup peeps this page has Most aol tricks on it
1. You must be signed off.
2. When you are signed of go to the mail menu then click "setup
3. Select "expert setup"
4. Then click the "select names" button.
5. Put in any password for any screenname you have (the one you are
going to sign on as a ghost)
6. Click the "activate session now" button
7. When the menu comes up click the "sign off when finished" box and
click continue
8. Sign on as normal, but hit cancel right before you completely sign on
(during checking password)
1. Sign on as normal again
2. Go to your buddy list
3. Click on setup
4. Click on privacy preferences
6. You should be a ghost now (send an IM to yourself to check)
IM Tricks
*Note change the ( ) to < >:
1. To temporarily freeze someone through IM's fill the IM up with (h3)
and send. Copy and paste all the (h3)'s and past and send over and over
2. To make a cool scroll type (h1)Text press enter then (h2)text press
enter then (h3)text.
3. To type like this Type (sub)Letter(/sub)letter(sub)letter(/sub) Etc.
4. To get out of an IM bomb Press ctrl. I and where it says To: type in
$im_off then tab and in the box type any letter than tab spacebar.(Note
this will take at least 2 minutes.)
5. To make a strike through an IM type (s) before the text and to turn
it off type (/s) before text.
6. To clone in an IM first copy the other person's name. Then you need
to change the color of the text to red. Press enter two times and paste
their name. Then press space bar about 6 times then change the color of
text back to black. Then change the size of the text back to the normal
size and disable the bold.
7. To make a rainbow in the IM box fill it with
( BODY BGCOLOR="#ff8000")( /html )
( BODY BGCOLOR="#000000")( /html )
( BODY BGCOLOR="#ff0000")( /html )
( BODY BGCOLOR="#800080")( /html )
( BODY BGCOLOR="#0000ff")( /html )
( BODY BGCOLOR="#80ff80")( /html )
( BODY BGCOLOR="#ffff00")( /html )
( BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff")( /html )
*Note delete the spaces and change the ( ) to < > on #6.
E-mail Tricks:
*Note change the ( ) to < >
1. To punt through E-mail fill the whole email box with (h3) and send.
2. To mail bomb a person click members, than prefrences, than disable
close email box after sent and click ok. When send e-mails the box will
stay open letting you able to click send multiple times.
Chat Tricks:
1. To type a blank line in a chat room press space bar then alt+1060.
2. To roll dice type //roll-dice15-sides999
3. To kill idler click on help 3 times then click on About aol.
4. To kill wait click on the aol symbol in the top left hand corner of
the screen then click memebers prefrence.
Profile Tricks:
Creating a TAB. The easiest way to create a TAB is to copy the space
between the colon (:) in your name and where your text starts in a chat
room. That small space is a tab. Highlight that space and use
EDIT/COPY(CONTROL C) to copy it into the buffer. Or, you can use Windows
Notepad, or any word processor.
Extending a Profile:
1. Go to keyword: PROFILE
2. Now, you are ready to change your profile.
3. New Categories
To add a new Category, go to the end of one of the current categories.
Press Control-Backspace one time. A little box will appear Æ. Now, type
in a : and paste one tab after the colon (SHIFT-INSERT or go up to EDIT
and run down to PASTE). Now, type in the answer to the category.
To add a new Category, go to the end of one of the current categories.
Paste a carriage return. (A copied ENTER keypress). Type a : and paste
one tab after the colon. Now, type in the answer to the category.
4. You can keep adding categories to the same line until you use up all
the spaces available.
5. When that line is full, move to the next line.
Click the Update Button.
Cloning: To clone with Hex Editor, open waol and change the first "AOL
Frame25" to AAA AAAAAAA. You must do this on a TCP/IP connection using
Windows 95. this is what u do
How to remove a PWS:
Ok first off using proggies and crap like that is stupid and I don't
recomend them.
1. Run sysedit
2. Delete everything after Load=
3. Click Find
4. Type in System and press enter
5. Delete what it says below system ex. C:/windows/pws.exe
6. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the file
7. Delete what it says at the bottom
8. Delete [Win32SysMan] and delete Loaded= Yes
9. Exit and Save
(If it says Cannot Save This is a read only file or something like that
then run winfile. Then File, Search, type in WIN.INI, press enter. It
should come up then click File, Properties, then Disable Read-Only and
enable Archive)